Zeiterfassung und – Auswertung mit infoBoard

Zeiterfassung und – Auswertung mit infoBoard

Vor 10 Jahren habe ich auf einer Deutschen Messe mit einem Mitarbeiter eines Maschinenherstellers über Maschinendaten-Auswertung gesprochen.

Ich verstand augenblicklich, dass seine Balkengraphiken nur eine Darstellung des Istzustands und der Historie von Fakten war. Dagegen ist infoBoard eine Darstellung und insofern vage Vorstellung, was in der Zukunft passieren soll. Hier Flexibilität, dort unveränderliche Daten.

Deswegen ist die Zeiterfassung der Anwesenheit und eine Mitarbeiterbezogene Zeiterfassung auf seine Aufgaben in der Vergangenheit immer nur eine Ergänzung zur Planung gewesen. Einige möchten auch nur eine nachträgliche Projektzeiterfassung durch den Mitarbeiter, hauptsächlich um den Kunden korrekte Rechnungen stellen zu können.

Nun ist bei infoBoard durch verschiedene Kundenprojekte eine n e u e Zeit angebrochen: das infoBoard Zeitmanagement. Und in top: die Verlagerung der Verantwortung auf den Mitarbeiter für seine Arbeitszeit. *)

Durch diese Verknüpfung wird die Revolution durch Digitalisierung auf dem Arbeitsmarkt weiter vorangetrieben. Ich bin dafür, dass sich Mitarbeiter positiv entwickeln und ihre Wertschöpfung für das Unternehmen erhöhen, um aus diesem Grund ihren Lebensstandard erhöhen zu können. Der Mitarbeiter sollte gerne auch belohnt und nicht nur entlohnt werden.

Über diese Decade der Softwareentwicklung landen wir also bei InfoBoard WorkingSchedule, der Arbeitsplan https://infoboard.app/funktionen Der Mitarbeiter sieht seine Stempelzeiten und die geplanten betrieblichen Aufgaben und arbeitet diese ab. Oder trägt sie auf den nächsten Tag vor. Er erfasst live seine Zeiten auf Aufgaben oder zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt seine Projektzeiten. Alles auf seiner eigenen Oberfläche.

Er sieht Statistiken zu Urlaub und Überstunden, kontrolliert seine Arbeitszeit selber, druckt seinen Stundenzettel aus, unterschreibt diesen und legt ihn seinem Arbeitgeber vor.

Das ist doch schon mal ein Anfang in der neuen Zeit!

Im Tagesgeschäft ist für das Unternehmen das übliche möglich: Buchen der Stempelzeiten, Nachkalkulation der Aufträge. Korrektur  von falschen oder fehlenden Zeiten.

Eine besondere (Weiter-)Entwicklung hat in den letzten Monaten stattgefunden: auf mehrdimensionalen Planungsobjekten buchen Mitarbeiter jetzt einzeln ihre Arbeitszeiten. Der Planer kann bei starkem Auseinanderfallen der Gruppenarbeit leicht die mehrdimensionalen Objekte in einzelne Aufgaben auflösen und exakter planen. Je stärker Planung und Fakten in der Gegenwart (infoBoard Tagesstrich) zusammenlaufen, desto detaillierter werden die Daten, die zu verarbeiten sind.

All diese Erkenntnisse führen uns bei infoBoard zu neuen Produktstrategien und Entwicklungen, die wir in diesem Jahr des neuen infoBoard ZeitmanagementsZeiterfassung und -Auswertung mit infoBoard noch vorstellen werden.

infoBoard in Boston

infoBoard in Boston

Wir trafen Jeremiah vor unserem Hotel im North End von Boston. Er ist der neue strategische Planer in seiner Firma und hat sich in den 2 1/2 Monaten alleine in das infoBoard eingearbeitet. J. hat sich in seinem neuen Unternehmen umgeschaut: das existente ERP kann es nicht leisten, die vielen MS Project Dateien können es nicht leisten.  „Eine gemeinsame Sprache im Unternehmen“ sei nur mit infoBoard zu erreichen!

Das hörte sich gut an, und die zuvor schon besprochene Entwicklung einer permanenten automatischen Schnittstelle von Epicor ERP passte zu dieser Absichtserklärung wunderbar.

Wie viele dieser ERP Cloud Anbieter ist in der Realität dann doch eine lokale Datenbank installiert. Nix mit Cloud Lösung. Wir alle werden durch die Internet Werbung hinter‘s Licht geführt. Genauso wie bei SAP Business One oder Lexware oder ..oder .. wo wir bei unseren Kunden nachfragen – lokale Datenbank.

Die Deutschen wollen wohl doch keine Cloud für Ihre Unternehmensdaten.

Na gut, in der Lounge des Battery Wharf Hotels geht es mit infoBoard weiter. Statt neueste Features der Version 3.3 geht es oft um das Grundverständnis über die Wirkung und die Möglichkeiten von infoBoard.  
An alle Sparfüchse: An Einweisung und Schulung zu sparen ist ein Schuss, der nach hinten losgeht. Ihre Mitarbeiter bekommen ein mächtiges Werkzeug für bessere Produktionsplanung. Ohne Bauanleitung geht es nicht schnell und nicht bestmöglich.

Das spornt uns an, die https://learn.infoboard.biz/ e-Learning Seite schnell zu erweitern.Als Vertiefung nach der Schulung. Als Nachschulung für neue Mitarbeiter, die die Planung von Kollegen übernommen haben.

Im italienischen Viertel in der Hanover Street gehen wir gemütlich Essen. Am zur Straßenseite offenen Fenster lassen wir uns mit dem mobile phone meines Gastes von der Bedienung fotografieren.  Ist es mein Alter, ist es meine Deutsche Art, oder denke ich einfach nicht dran? Eine schnelle Erinnerung, eine verfügbare Doku bei einer rasenden Zeit , oder eine neue Art des Tagebuches – eben ein Bilderbuch unseres Lebens?

Volk der Dichter und Denker !

In Deutschland angekommen, geht es wieder weiter nach Bayern und Nordrhein-Westfalen. Ist es eine Strafe? Ist es Schicksal? Mein Hotel- Übernachtung in Wesel ist im Geburtshaus von Dr. Konrad Duden gebucht. Ihm wurde während des Schulbesuchs und Studiums ein aussergewöhnlicher gedankliche Tiefe attestiert. Im März 1848 hat er wohl an der ersten deutschen Demokratie mitgewirkt und leider blieb der Erfolg aus.

Aber er schrieb eben den ersten deutschen Duden. Ich spüre meine Verantwortung im Think Tank dieser heutigen Zeit. Ich werde vielleicht nicht mehr mit der IoT (internet of things) Sprache zu tun haben, aber das die Menschen der Welt in Ihrem Unternehmen in der Produktion eine gemeinsame Sprache sprechen, dafür kann ich mit der elektronischen Plantafel infoBoard sorgen! 

Damit schliesst sich der Kreis.

infoBoard MultiSync – Synchronisation bis ans Ende der Welt

infoBoard MultiSync – Synchronisation bis ans Ende der Welt

Der Wunsch kam vor etwa drei Jahren auf: mehrere Abteilungen nutzen das infoBoard auf verschiedene Weise, hängen jedoch nicht so eng zusammen.

Die Entwicklungsabteilung ist frei, plant locker über Wochen ein Projekt als ein Planungsobjekt auf einer Mitarbeiterzeile. Die Werkstatt arbeitet zweischichtig, mit Maschinen und Mitarbeitern, für Produktion und Prototypen. Das Labor testet mit Prüfständen und Klimakammern 24/7, und die Produktion in drei Schichten mit Linien und Schichtmitarbeitern in Wechselschichten.

Aber es gibt Abstimmungsbedarf untereinander.

Die Polizeileitung eines deutschen Bundeslandes will wissen, welche Mitarbeiter im Dienst sind. Von verschiedenen Plantafeln werden die Ausfallzeiten auf eine Plantafel für die Führung zusammengetragen.

In den Niederlanden möchte eine grosse Firma den Gesamtplan aus drei Abteilungen auf einer Plantafel zusammen sehen.

Ein deutscher Maschinenbauer möchte von 1-3 Projektplantafeln 9 Fachabteilungen mit den Planungen automatisch versorgen, um die Abwicklung zu vereinfachen. Terminlagen werden durch die knappen Ressourcen mit den Projektplantafeln synchronisiert.

Die Geschäftsführung eines Softwareherstellers synchronisiert die Ausfallzeiten mit dem infoBoard Server eines Vereins mit 200 Mitgliedern, in dem drei als Leiter tätig sind, um die Verfügbarkeit automatisch abzustimmen.

Zulieferer melden heute noch per PDF an den Autobauer, wie weit ihr Prototypenauftrag fertiggestellt ist. Beide nutzen infoBoard. Sie können Auftragsvergabe und Auslieferung des Auftrags automatisch synchronisieren, statt PDF für die Terminabstimmung auszutauschen.

Zwei Engineering Firmen in Bayern und Niedersachsen arbeiten in Projekten für die Automobilindustrie in Hamburg zusammen. Sie können ihre beiden Ressourcen und Projektplantafeln über ihre beiden infoBoard Server automatisch synchronisieren.

Ein grosser, internationaler Händler von Babybedarfsartikeln lässt in Asien herstellen, verschifft oder versendet die Artikel und verkauft in Europa. Termine spielen in der Supply Chain eine grosse Rolle. Ständig muss nachgefragt werden. Hier können mehrere infoBoard Server interkontinental synchronisiert werden.

Ein Softwarehersteller hat gemeinsame Projekte mit einer Australischen Softwarefirma. Die die Projekte betreffenden Aktivitäten werden auf 2 Firmenplantafeln interkontinental synchronisiert.

Eine Personalabteilung plant Schichten und Urlaube statt mit Excel jetzt im infoBoard. Deshalb hat diese HR Plantafel nur eine Schicht pro Tag. Der infoBoard MultiSyncServer überträgt die Ausfallzeiten und die Schichtinformationen als Nichtarbeitszeiten gem. Schichtmodell auf die dreischichtige Produktionsplantafel.

Wie ist Ihr Bedarf? Wo können Sie sich verbessern?

infoBoard in Birmingham

infoBoard in Birmingham

Our product is mainly used in England’s north industrial area. A direct flight connection between Hamburg and Birmingham helps when you want to meet with your clients or train them.

After landing we remembered what happened the time before: because of the many roundabouts the dated navigation system we had was too slow to tell us in time what exit to take. With a modern navigation system things would have gone differently.

The second challenge were the elongated highway exits, the reason why we often turned too late and we had to take roundabouts.Third challenge was the fact that for some roads you have to pay fees, for Germans this is very unusual. Actually, hired cars have in most cases a badge, but when you have to correctly join the queu of the toll, you panick.  Do we have what the sign shows or do we have to go to the cash sign?

Oh yes, coming from the left, this is the reason why I bent over to look at the main road, I heared a clear “Left!” coming from the left passenger seat. It’s a peculiar memory especially because there were no vehicles to be seen.

We drove through Walsall. Narrow roads, evening rush hour traffic. The roads winded their way through hilly turns on the right and left. Suddendly we ended up at a crossroads and the navigation system stated that we had reached the destination, athough we had not. Suddendly I remembered that the navigation system didn’t know the exact address, I had used until that moment Google Maps to at least end up close to the destination.

Well, for starters we made the wrong decision to take the longest way through long detours, dead ends and so on. This is the reason why we returned to the crossingroads 10 minutes later and this time we turned in the road that finally brought us to the industrial area where our client had his office.

After the friendly welcome we walked through the big, modern hallways with many infoBoard monitors and infoBoard production time tracking touchscreens. Since the company had worked in the past with many very broad platforms, the company’s members didn’t want to accept anything different from what had worked so well for them for decades. After finding infoBoard on Internet the IT department was able to start it fast. Everybody had a familiar picture infront of them, only now in a digital version and this means with many advantages regarding the distribution of information and time tracking including notifications.

The client is a service provider for control cabinets cabling and is interested in deadline reliability. Each production island manufactures for one client with an outsourcing contract. There aren’t any single products in the portfolio. And well, the company after a powerful growth with bigger hallway enlargements considered inevitable a digitization of the analog platforms.

infoBoard was the last missing piece for a software-aided support of the production


infoBoard an der Westküste USA

infoBoard on the west coast of the USA

It’s hot, it’s cold. For a german man from the north like me the weather here is very different from what I am used to; here, outdoor it’s too hot while indoor too cold.

During the days of the fair we stayed in an accomodation in Koreatown (L.A). It was near the Convention Center and not far from West Hollywood with the famous stops that we had already visisted several times throughout the years.

Our hotel didin’t provide breakfast and in Koreatown there were only privately  owned shops, for this reason we drove to Downtown to have breakfast there.  Finding a parking spot was a big challenge since the price to leave tha car just  for 12 minutes was 3,50$ . At the end we found a small Austrian restaurant called FoodLab and on the terrasse on the back of its building we could enjoy a lovely cozy breakfast with real bread!

Really important and dinamic economic sectors have developped in Calfornia. The secret is: a big amount of capital that is in search for profits. Therefore were established industries that we in Germany had established time before through capital, for example the development of the diesel engine and the creation of airships.

As I imagined I was also contacted from an investment company. They were searching scalable business models. Millions have to be put at stake, otherwise it’s not interesting. I was asked how infoBoard’s exhibitor in the fair was different from the other exhibitors that also offered a planning software. After I looked up our US rival, of which I still didn’t know much: form-based data capturing system and analysing system with charts for projects. Just another project plannning tool with the number 987. Well, America needs infoBoard because we offer a planning interface that is source-oriented and can intuitively be used thanks to its graphic.

At the fair there were a lot of machine producers. The first impression that I had, is that in comparison with German fairs the technology used here is not very modern.The fairs in Hannover, Frankfurt and Düsseldorf look more glamorous.

Here come the potential clients: remain still, look, ask. Some explain infoBoard to their colleagues. We listen to them and we are surprised; how can someone think to know everything from just some images on a monitor?

Many visitors were job hoppers and they always had in mind a company that needed infoBoard, but where they didn’t not work anymore. Surprisingly a continuous change of employer brings the job hoppers to have a lot of experience with ERP implementations and software development and many said that they then knew that software developers didn’have professional experience and that for years they had to tell the developers what the program should do and that what they said was never done. Ok, I also think it is like that but the situation is going to change when infoBoard is installed. InfoBoard has benne completed and it’s the result of 20.000 developers’ team work.

Two men arrive and unfourtanetely from all it had been said I understood only the words “State, California, Cluster”. Later I took a look at their visitng card and it said “Baja California”, meaning they came from the mexican part. It’s a pity because I was looking forward to introducing them to our spanish co-workers that were standing just 1 m. away.

Other two men arrive and one of them talks in German. We probably already met at the same fair two years ago. After we talked a little about if we could present infoBoard like this  to the owner of the company on Thursday, we came to the conclusion that we should and we decided to exchange other information or oganise other appointments using my german telephone. It’s strange how we could call without problems but when we wanted to send text messages using an iPhone with the adress of the company, the texts would arrive two days after when I was at the airport. Technology is so strange at times!

On Wednesday we went out to have dinner with the company owner and the general manager. We talked about the very interesting story of the last 50 years of the compan, about  how good german education is and the chance to enter successfully the US market. The day after was the presentation of the managers and project managers out of the 400 people in the company. After an hour and a half of infoBoard’s demonstration everbody understood how useful infoBoard was since we assured short-time procedures in the machine shop of the producer.

I now understand better what Germany’s economy needs in order to improve. Banks can no more provide through Basel III the economy with enough money and there aren’t enough investors anymore. Fortunately the first small improvements are occuring in Germany and in the EU. It’s difficult for a normal person who has so many expenses to pay, to be able to save during just one life a personal capital to reinvest.


(Deutsch) Der Wunsch, alles ganz einfach zu haben

The desire of having it all and easily

The visualization of complex planning schemes is already an academic field and expert discipline.

In this post I would like to talk about the reaction that people who manage a type of production characterised by complex procedures have towards infoBoard’s visualization. The situation will be clearer with an example: let’s take a car. Buyers are usually not very interested in the technology used inside but rather in the services that the car offers and in its comfort; it must be comfortable and simple. Also potential infoBoard buyers want to see services and comfort but not in a general description, they prefer to see its complex, often customized resources and examples. The infoBoard newcomer has to render during this dialogue hipothetical big transfer payments to adapt to the forming image to the production fast and to also match it with their personal goals.

Small interruption to tell about the exact opposite experience: a swiss company has all its orders in a tangled MS project. All tasks of all orders had been  catalogued under 45 precise and familiar names until year 2021 on our new infoBoard Project Konverter. The newcomer after just 30 seconds can see the result all at once, correctly finished and correctly represented. More than 600 working processes use arrows to show how they are connected to eachother. Do you think that now it is more comprehensible? It is diffcult to represent this because of the great amount of information. Is this the “overview?” (I wondered how far the tasks were from their optimal status. I already considered (had caught) the ERP systems as bad sequence handlers and so now also bad project data handlers.

But let’s go back to the complex production sequences. These are firstly the many constraints that in the USA are known as dynamic scheduling. We set up infoBoard for example fast with sample orders so that it also looks like a “dynamic schedule”. Everything through shift operations? Yes, it looks like it. Now the newcomer is nervous: is there a way to show it in an easier way? Yes, the best way is using the Webapp infoBoard Workbench.

Here we design optimized simple two-dimensional bars side by side and one beneath the other. It took us one year to achieve what we really wanted to acomplish. The implementation  developped in 6 weeks.

What does this point of view determine ? It determines how many orders are being processed simultaneously and how big are the time gaps between them (number of rows, number of bars behind and between them). An evaluation of the planning does not folllow (a comparison between net working time and processing time like in the BusinessController value stream mapping and order overview) or a traffic lights- evaluation as a reply to the CCPM question (close to the delivery date or enough puffer for the delivery date? BusinessController application CCPM-Dashboard) is still missing. Nobody can think of something more modern than infoBoard. The opinion of the most newcomers is still that you have to see to understand and to then formulate an opinion  (always also formulate the matter of that opinion), to control the result. People are used to use excel to look through a file and check everything is in order and make sure one more time that everything is correct. We live in a “Post Excel” and “Post PowerPoint” era. We are actively forming the present and future of  modern, digitalised production managers (Operational Officer).

infoBoard verfolgt ein grosses Ziel

infoBoard pursues a big goal

A company positions itself on the market and grows thanks to more orders and more employees, more machinery, more products, more simultaneous orders, bigger projects with more participants etc..

Management functions are needed so that each of them is in charge of a sector.
These management functions are normally carried out by Excel charts or Excel lists that work as software tools in order to live up to the resposanbility.
People meet to be better coordinated because without information from the other  departments the planning of order production cannot work.
Information about changes at the right time are always kept secret for a few days.
What could be worse than making decisions based on bad information?
But there is a reason if people continue to do this even though they have the opportunity of a forward looking, joint planning.

Therefore, we are often contacted by new hired production managers or assembly supervisors who want to improve operations and results without software support.They quickly realize that the information situation is poor, the paperwork is a lot, the maintenance of the Excel spreadsheets is simply impossible.
Here we are dealing with people who want to make a difference. They meditate, they search on the internet and find infoBoard.

On vacation I read a book about fast and slow thinking. Researchers for centuries have grappled with the question of why people make wrong decisions. In the course of time, people have “agreed” on two schools of thought,  in order to explain the origins of wrong decisions.
According to school 1, the life-based decisions are made depending on wether the situation is good or bad. According to school 2, the cognitive functions of “questioning” are rendered reflecting, researching, calculating. People think rationally and possibly also in an intelligent way.
And because people are lazy, and the slow thinking in school 2 is an effort, they are happy with the result of school 1. Considering the concept of “wrong” within a business context the probability of making mistakes is “high” and their impact “very expensive”.

This is the reason why the desire for reference clients of the same economic sector is understandable. School 1 says: don’t ponder.
It is difficult to persuade a new customer to agree to be named as reference customer of a trade fair. Reason: We don’t want to openly communicate this competitive edge to our market competitors. Guess which school of thought (School 1 or School 2) this company has followed?

While making this quick decision not all information is obtained and evaluated. From this point of view too, infoBoard ensures a verification of further conditions through the intuitive use of  “school 1′ system”, thereby preventing the rationality and intelligence of “System 2” from falling behind.
Connections, deadline monitoring “above all” and priorities are kept monitored.

But now the main goal is to process the company’s orders in an optimal way. In the project business, tasks are estimated on a more global basis while time frames are based on assumptions. Here it should be like that: that is the goal, considering it we visualize the tasks and we visualize the actually worked hours for each task. And besides that, we still need an estimation on whether the work done has the value expected (earned value analysis), whether the increase of working hours also corresponds to the fullfilment of the task, or more precisely the percentage of completion.
And if no working hours are counted: is the colleague even there?

When we represent the main goal as a beam / timeline, we present the many tasks as timelines underneath it, draw for these tasks the time actually spent on them, addditionally also the processing time and the planned net working time as a bar, then we can visually track how well the project is being pursued.

infoBoard Europe started by networking established systems in such a way that new impressions on the efficiency of the company could emerge and be assessed. Sometimes it hurts to see what is actually going on. But there is an unbelievable motivation to put down organisational deficits, to conduct appraisal interviews and to achieve better results in favor of all stakeholders.

We insert all data onto the planning board from CRM and ticket systems .
We make “to-do-tasks” and reminders visible and compare them with the “get-things-done” from the systems, sort the programming tasks from the ticket system, measure the time required, learn about the actual cost among the frightening expenses, deliver solutions to the customer as soon as possible. We will evaluate further results and optimize our systems.


Erfolg durch Meilensteintrendanalyse

Success with milestone trend analysis

Long-term projects can sometimes be difficult, long, or seem impossible. At the beginning of a challenge like this one people are always highly motivated to reach the goal, but this motivation continues to decline until the end. Motivation is often related to productivity, so no manager should allow a decrease in performance.

A successful method that is widely used is the milestone trend analysis. This project management tool includes the evaluation of the development of a project through specific objectives within the larger general goal. Thanks to the milestones,  the staff can verify if they are getting step by step closer to the completion of the project. When the employees mark a task as completed, this automatically represents a progress in the process, and success will always motivate the employees, while productivity will consequently be increased.

Milestones can also be used for a detailed project tracking. Precise time lags of each step are definitely helpful to be on time with appointments and trustworthy towards customers. Modern project managers therefore take care of various tools, for example the Gantt chart. InfoBoard  embraces not only this evaluation method, but also improvements in the current operations.

Project management is usually managed with Gantt charts, although there can be many problems with them. One flaw we can find in this method is the distribution of resources for a task because the chart assigns to the same employee two tasks at the same time. This is absolutely impossible to happen with infoBoard. Each resource occupies its own row and no one can be assigned simultaneously with two mpre than one task. In addition, the set of tasks is also available in form of a collection. You can, of course, also export a Gantt chart from an infoBoard planning board, but in this case without any possible errors!

The milestone trend analysis WebView takes into account various aspects that often cannot be evaluated with a single tool. If you are interested in this function of infoBoard, you can read the user guide or watch the milestone trend analysis video tutorial on the infoBoard TV YouTube channel.



Wenn man mehr zusammenarbeiten möchte

If more team work is what you are looking for


Or in German: more planning boards synchronized with different departments. The aim is to accept the natural need for information on completions or expected completions.

In our YouTube video “Synchronize infoBoard Projects” it is shown and explained which options the clients have to do this.

Now, let’s analize the core of this need. Without doubts the transfer of tasks to another sector influences the planning of the following units. So, how would the ideal situation be? Everything proceeds according to a plan that however contains many possibe errors. I read not long ago that an office worker manages to keep concentrated for an average of only 4 minutes until the next disturbance / distraction. Data from real life prove the plan can be effective in the morning but not so much in the afternoon.

The German-speaking group of users now believes that with a plan that everyone can follow, it will be possible to achieve goals faster despite expected disruptions. The French-speaking group of people, on the other hand, believes that a plan can only have a basic structure and that delays are normal. For this reason the plan seems to not be able to work. C’est la vie?

So, again, where is the difference? Set goal – Create plan – Detect disruptions- Fix disruptions- Accept deviation – Achieve goal. Does the only difference lie in the handling of disruptions and acceptance of the time delay?

We have to involve the Japanese. Although in German it is possible to summarize many words together, what is not possible in French, we have a lack of inventive spirit, which the Japanese on the other hand manage very well in the organization sector with keywords. Also Americans have creativity in creating summary words. Example: Kaizen, TQM (Total Quality Management). These catchwords are called organizational systems and they of course include “everything”. The two languages ​​have therefore dealt with the disruptions more than the Europeans. Disruptions are perceived with the aim of preventing them, eliminating them.

So does holistic thinking have an advantage over linear thinking? Yes, the larger the companies are, the more often occur systemic errors / disruptions. That’s why I read that quality is faster to introduce in small businesses than in large companies.

But hope is everywhere! and so is infoBoard.









infoBoard und Kennzahlen (KPI’S)

infoBoard and Material Management


InfoBoard BusinessController evaluates infoBoard planning boards and shows KPIs clearly.

Key figures are often goals expressed in numbers. Goals in this context are complex matters that can be explained via a presentation with a system of key indicators that is clearly measurable and understandable.

Initially, the evaluations move in the magic square of production but then more and more personal evaluations based on customer requirements add up to this.

The magic square of production is composed of: utilization, on-time delivery, visualizations. These are tools based on a system of indicators that aim to clarify and control corporate behaviour. Information, data, numbers and facts are pictured in form of key figures for a quick and clear statement of facts. The fact that human are visual beings and that they capture 83% of things primarly with their eyes provides the main reason for using visualizations. Simple and effective communication in companies is created through simple visual language. It is therefore visualizations’ goal to achieve an improvement in the quality of managerial decisions.

Other aspects of visualization in companies include for example: increase of transparency in the company’s services and processes, recognition/ identification of causes of error, actions needed, strengthening of quality awareness, as well as continuous improvement of all areas of the company.

This way it is possible to get an idea very quickly of the processes and possible economic fields through an overview of the most important key figures in the company or in each department.