infoBoard in Birmingham

infoBoard in Birmingham

Our product is mainly used in England’s north industrial area. A direct flight connection between Hamburg and Birmingham helps when you want to meet with your clients or train them.

After landing we remembered what happened the time before: because of the many roundabouts the dated navigation system we had was too slow to tell us in time what exit to take. With a modern navigation system things would have gone differently.

The second challenge were the elongated highway exits, the reason why we often turned too late and we had to take roundabouts.Third challenge was the fact that for some roads you have to pay fees, for Germans this is very unusual. Actually, hired cars have in most cases a badge, but when you have to correctly join the queu of the toll, you panick.  Do we have what the sign shows or do we have to go to the cash sign?

Oh yes, coming from the left, this is the reason why I bent over to look at the main road, I heared a clear “Left!” coming from the left passenger seat. It’s a peculiar memory especially because there were no vehicles to be seen.

We drove through Walsall. Narrow roads, evening rush hour traffic. The roads winded their way through hilly turns on the right and left. Suddendly we ended up at a crossroads and the navigation system stated that we had reached the destination, athough we had not. Suddendly I remembered that the navigation system didn’t know the exact address, I had used until that moment Google Maps to at least end up close to the destination.

Well, for starters we made the wrong decision to take the longest way through long detours, dead ends and so on. This is the reason why we returned to the crossingroads 10 minutes later and this time we turned in the road that finally brought us to the industrial area where our client had his office.

After the friendly welcome we walked through the big, modern hallways with many infoBoard monitors and infoBoard production time tracking touchscreens. Since the company had worked in the past with many very broad platforms, the company’s members didn’t want to accept anything different from what had worked so well for them for decades. After finding infoBoard on Internet the IT department was able to start it fast. Everybody had a familiar picture infront of them, only now in a digital version and this means with many advantages regarding the distribution of information and time tracking including notifications.

The client is a service provider for control cabinets cabling and is interested in deadline reliability. Each production island manufactures for one client with an outsourcing contract. There aren’t any single products in the portfolio. And well, the company after a powerful growth with bigger hallway enlargements considered inevitable a digitization of the analog platforms.

infoBoard was the last missing piece for a software-aided support of the production
