Company-wide means inter-departmental!

At the Chillventa trade fair in Nuremberg, an infoBoard customer calls me: R&D, Design, Workshop and Production have very different requirements, meaning that the long processing chains for the following departments can no longer be logically combined due to the long distances and time sequences. Their needs are too varied, too different. Therefore, the planning boards also have to look different. Of course the orders are joined together but…

Talk to the manufacturer! We are developing new functions! Over 500 features every year.

How can infoBoard help? With a connected infoBoard SyncTool Server, tasks can be placed on transfer lines and delivered to other departments with other infoBoard planning boards. The planning objects are synchronised by the unique IDs: in the case of time shifts, the first planning board will be automatically informed and adjusted accordingly.

Why can I answer this so quickly: because this need is now being described to us increasingly often. The large companies are organised into individual departments, accepted as special requirements. Because these departments can present themselves better than “the without”, and management now wants the whole profit from the use of infoBoard. This is also our experience: growing companies need infoBoard to grow sensibly and quickly.

Another method of working with several planning board: You can drag and drop planning objects with complete contents from one to the other with several open plant panels.

By the way, we also use emails with fixed keywords to automatically generate planning objects. And from our CRM system, we generate new planning objects for reprints at the push of a button. Contact us!

A growing company with increased cases numbers, more employees, and more branches needs a reliable organization.

If you have any questions, we will soon see a photo gallery and maybe even a video here. Stay tuned!

Production needs: Backwards planning

An infoBoard partner in Europe asked me to help a prospective customer with his planning needs. It regarded constructing complex aluminium components for the train industry.

Thanks to the Austrians (see blog entry), infoBoard has backwards scheduling in its sample order system. But how can ten different sub-project tasks with different dependencies be planned backwards? Can the complex sequences be entered into the sample order form in a timely manner and be at all understandable?

Procedure: The ten different sub-projects are imported from Excel and a new planning board with all of the necessary resources and ten projects is created. I then solve the grouping of the sub-projects step by step, and integrate them into the first project with “Edit Object Group”. I can also set additional dependencies with the “Edit Predecessors” tool.

In Enterprise Edition, you can use the “Create sample order from object group” function. Right-click on the finished project group and choose this option, and a sample order with all dependencies of the ten projects will be created.

infoBoard Musterprojekt

infoBoard Sample Order

Now I have the complex project listed in the sample order panel and can reverse plan this from the desired end date.

infoBoard Musteraufträge rückwärts einplanen

infoBoard backwards planning of sample orders

That is something we can do again and again. In this image, we can see a combination of both critical path representations (red lines on the planning diagram) and critical chain paths (CCPM).

infoBoard Kritischer Pfad und Kritische Kette in einer Darstellung

infoBoard ‘Critical Path’ and ‘Critical Chain’ representation

Realistic deadlines with the resources available now appear.

infoBoard Fertigung mit mehreren Bauteilen

infoBoard Production with several components

The planning board should appear without arrows for employees.

infoBoard Fertigung mit mehreren Bauteilen ohne Verbindungspfeile

infoBoard Production with several components (without arrow connections)

These realistic deadlines are also needed, for example, in the food industry: numerous projects with project planning tools fail due to not taking into account holiday time. infoBoard can help here as well, because infoBoard records all projects.

But how can a project manager control a project, when they cannot see it alone? For example, with the ‘Print Gantt Diagram’ feature – now with the new object filter! With this, all other projects will be hidden from the planning board. Yet another advantage for realistic scheduling!


Striving for better decisions

What is the core of business planning?

You have to make the best decisions for an uncertain future. To be able to make realistic predictions. How we would wish for that! Would we all not make optimal decisions if we knew what was going to happen in the near future. Decisions would then no longer be a stab in the dark.

It all comes back to the question: What is to be done? How should it be done? When should it be done? Who should do it, and where?

All questions can be answered by the planning board.

Through pictoral, schematic images, the sensory abilities of human intelligence are stimulated, which are faster than the logical processing of terms (words). Processing then takes place holistically and not in logical chains.

Those who use infoBoard, use technology to make good decisions for production processes today, to see their effects immediately, and to communicate these effects in the face of an uncertain future.

In the decision-making process, the imagination is stimulated, allowing you to find new solutions to your problems. This allows us to explore new methods and find even better solutions.

Better solutions reduce opportunity costs as well as operating costs, avoiding or even improving peaks, and achieving an even and consistent utilisation of existing resources – possibly increasing output..

This is the main reason why infoBoard is mainly found in growing company, who cannot effectively manage their organic growth without infoBoard.That is why you are giving away market opportunities, and only work effectively enough, when you plan your production through Excel.

Why are decisions important?

How do you prepare decisions? Why do you prepare decisions? You are respondng to a new situation, and should go through a decision-making process such as this:

– A timely detection of problems

– Analysis of these problems

– Formulate solutions

What do customers say?

A customer reported the following after using infoBoard for four months (translated from German):

“We actually only wanted infoBoard temporarily to improve our growth phase. We’ve been implementing an ERP system fora year, but now we will definitely be keeping infoBoard!

“With sixty employees now, we have been able to extend our planning from one week to several weeks. This means that we avoid peaks in machine time and now work more evenly. The availability of information (what is in progress, when it will be finished etc.) is available immediately without any effort. For the first time, the sales department is able to see the progress of production and is ergo more effective and targeted in its efforts.

Through feedback reports on infoBoard WebViews, group leaders can finally assessand estimate: where are we?”

The customer took a heuristic approach with trial and error and, after a short time, has created three approaches to a solution and has more than achieved his target. (Note that this three month detour in setting up production can be avoided by not declining the infoBoard Training Workshops.

The connection to the new ERP system is now planned.

What do prospective customers with Excel planning say?

A prospective customer in plant manufacturing reported the following to me (translated from German):

“We have no ERP system, the project leaders calculate and describes the tasks with Excel, but have no resource responsibilities. Our warehouse should be shut down, we already buy 80% more than what the workshop (through the leader) planned. Orders from other areas are, however, always coming into the workshop and the effects (delays on our projects) is inestimable.

“Additionally, part of our team is on construction sites for assembly or service work. Production is therefore not plannable.”

The company began to look around on the market. Yes, infoBoard is not an ERP system! infoBoard simplifies the jobs to duration bars on a resource row, and allows for scheduling and capacity planning.

Admittedly, if you doesn’t know what you should do (task plans, sequencing of stages), then you also cannot make a schedule plan.

But believe me, every enterprise has established business operations, and the creation of products and services comes from good practice – from experience.

What do you have to decide in this situation? Market view, firstly, and then a complete solution? That’s unrealistic.. My suggestion is more like the Pareto principle: roughly 80% of the goals for planned production can be quickly implemented and tracked thanks to a 20% investment of time and money.

Experience gained in this way is inestimably important for the later implementation of an ERP system.

Increase the quality of your decisions!

The infoBoard planning board is THE tool for every responsible decision-maker in the company’s business operations.

Using infoBoard as a tool for production planning means using technology, using Excel to plan production doesn’t.

infoBoard also facilitates a heuristic approach, eg. trial and error. Work years of experience into your business model!

Never stop learning

If you want to learn more about better planning, as well as the business processes happening in your company, I would suggest that you search for the following terms in Wikipedia. The terms provide a theoretical background to your practical problems.

  • complexity
  • decision theory
  • scheduling
  • production planning
  • emergence
  • Holism (“the whole is more than the sum of its parts)
  • matrix

Which tools and methods to you use to make better decisions?